
28/08/2011 20:06

Children who eat a balanced diet should get all the vitamins and minerals they need from their food, so supplements are usually not necessary.Children who eat too demanding may lose some nutrients, and there is growing research showing that many children can not meet their vitamin D, but talk to your doctor before giving their children dietary supplements.For more information, visit herbalcureindia.comVitamins are important for children? Can children use vitamins? How much of a certain vitamin should be given to a child? It is well known that children do not like vegetables, which are known to be rich in vitamins and minerals. 

Read more on Vitamins for Children and High Low Cholesterol Treatment and Skin CareDoes this mean they need vitamin supplements? All these are important questions that parents often seek answers. Let's shed some light on this issue.Vitamins are by definition substances we need for our body to function normally. This rule does not exclude children? Of course not. We need vitamins for healthy vision, to grow, bones and connective tissues to fight infection, disease and cancer, to heal the wounds that keep us from bleeding to death, and to keep our teeth healthy strong. You are not also apply to children? Absolutely! If you are interested, check out Vitamins
Although you can give your child an age appropriate multivitamin if you or your doctor thinks your child needs one, it's probably best to try to meet their daily needs or recommended daily allowance by providing him with a well balanced diet.Eating a diet with the minimum number of servings recommended by the Food Guide Pyramid will provide your child with the recommended daily allowance of vitamins and minerals.Vitamins play an important role in the state throughout the development of the mentally and physically.Children usually do not have the habit of eating a balanced diet, which ultimately makes them prone to infection by cold, cough, virus, flu and infection frequency. To maintain the health of children, it is necessary to give them some vitamin supplements that will increase your energy level and maintain health.Children and adolescents are growing rapidly. In this growth, they need good nutrition, including plenty of vitamins and minerals. Unfortunately, kids today do not always get what they need. One in ten children is low in iron, for instance, and adolescent girls need extra. Many young men and women, are low in zinc.How can you be sure that your children get the vitamins? The standard answer is to make sure you eat a variety of foods, including lots of fruits and vegetables. That's easy for nutritionists say. Anyone who has been a parent knows that it is much harder to do. It is strong enough to get a six-year-old to eat vegetables - just trying to get a sixteen year old to eat! Vitamins are important for children to help heal broken skin quickly. Vitamin K is important in blood clotting. Vitamin K causes the blood to stick together, stop the bleeding. Vitamin C is also important when it comes to wound healing. Vitamin C can help the body of a child to defend against any infection that may occur in an injury.DiseaseVitamins for children can also help reduce the likelihood of developing diseases. For example, vitamin E is an antioxidant that may help protect cells from damage. This can help prevent cancer and heart disease later in life. Vitamins for children can also help keep a child's immune system strong, which is beneficial in the fight against many infections.EnergyVitamins for children also give children the energy they need to function throughout the day. An example of a vitamin that provides the energy is thiamine or B1. Thiamin helps the cells convert carbohydrates into energy. This energy is essential to the functioning of the muscles and nervous system and cardiovascular system. Without energy, children can become weak or tired. For more details, visit Vitamins.